Privacy Notice
Pursuant to Law 196 / 2003 and subsequent amendments thereto, we inform you that:
I. the personal data and information you supply to SCALEDC S.r.l. by compiling the registration form on this web page are processed with both automated and manual tools, with controlled access and according to the modalities provided for by the aforementioned Law and the relative implementation rules, in compliance with such regulations and the confidentiality obligations provided for therein;
II. According to this law, by “personal data treatment” it is meant any operation, or set of operations performed, with or without electronic or automated means, for the purposes of collecting, recording, organising, retaining, consulting, processing, changing, selecting, extracting, comparing, using, linking, blocking, communicating, disseminating, deleting or distributing the data;
III. Our organisation may use your personal data for corporate purposes connected or instrumental to the activities performed by CESTME, such as storing the data in the database of SCALEDC S.r.l. – which supplies the services described herein and for whom you are compiling the form -, processing and managing contacts, and in particular for the following purposes:
a. Meet legal obligations arising from civil, taxation and accounting regulations in connection with the administrative management of the activities carried out by SCALEDC S.r.l.;
b. Perform direct mailing and/or direct marketing activities, also for promotional purposes, either on our own behalf or on behalf of third parties, as well as for the organisation of secondary activities, such as for instance quizzes, games, contests, prizes, etc.;
c. Carry out market research activities regarding online marketing and communication, also in collaboration with partners, such as research institutes, public and private bodies and associations.
IV. With regard to the processing of personal data, the party concerned may exercise, also by proxy or through the power of attorney given to an individual or an association, the rights provided for by the Law.
V. The data is collected in a database and may be communicated to the following subjects: a. Persons within SCALEDC S.r.l. who are responsible for the processing of the data; b. Parent companies, subsidiaries and associated companies; c. Market research partners; d. Companies involved in auxiliary activities.
VI. The data controller is SCALEDC S.r.l.
VII. The data processor is SCALEDC S.r.l.
VIII. The data is processed using technologies and equipment that guarantee security and confidentiality in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 318/99, with controlled access reserved for authorized subjects.
The data is stored, for the time periods provided for by the law, in the database of SCALEDC S.r.l., at the registered office of the company, in Via Marche, 9 – 20090 Fizzonasco di Pieve Emanuele (MI).