Catwalks and elevated walkways: enhancing accessibility in industrial facilities
To ensure safety work at high level over industrial facilities and roof tops, to give proper access to elevated worksites and heights, professional ladders, catwalks and different types of equipment must be designed with all the relevant prerogatives.
Skywalks and industrial ladders
The world of industrial ladders and platforms to facilitate the access to high-levels is quite varied and takes into consideration different facets. From aspects related to safety, those relating to anti-slip and anti-fall measures, to the robustness of the materials, their resistance against bad weather and rust, up to the practical aspects to streamline working methods and facilitate operators in all their phases: from the simple climb to the upper floors up to the possibility of working and carrying objects.
For these reasons, the design of professional ladders and catwalks to support movement to and from raised floors, work on roofs and access to silos, antennas, construction sites and elevated workstations, require a certain competence and experience in the sector, in the knowledge of safety and material regulations, as well as high design capabilities.
A wide range of products
From the simple catwalk to more complicated platform systems, there are a huge variety of tools and industrial step ladders to facilitate the work at high altitudes, taking in consideration the most strict safety criteria.
Scale DC provides a wide range of platform step ladders industrial and professional, to face any type of needs. Among our products you can find different helpful solutions to meet the most disparate needs, in complete safety:
- Vertical Cage ladders
- Platform Scaffold Towers
- Aerial Platforms
- Special Customized Ladders
- Service Ladders
- Catwalks
Modular catwalk systems
To combine efficiency with practicality of use and safety at work, the catwalk systems for construction sites and access to buildings, roofs and warehouses are made to measure and with different methods, materials and sizes.
Different types of walkways are designed and built to suit different needs, with safety grates, handrails and parapets, fixed and modular depending on the reference project:
- Access catwalks and mezzanine systems
- Safety grating catwalks
- Steel catwalk systems
- Customized catwalks
- Long distance walkways
Catwalks and EN ISO 14122
As well as all types of industrial ladders, catwalks are regulated at an international level according to well-defined and insurmountable safety criteria.
The ISO 14122 states its standards for minimum requirements when the same means of access is required as the part of the buildings or civil constructions, regarding for example, work platforms, stairs, stepladders and guard-rails and fixed ladders.
Scale DC realizes runaways in compliance with the updated international safety standards conceiving its dimensions, loading capacity, safety protections and construction materials.
Measure to made industrial access tools, ladders and platforms
All of our platforms and catwalks are made with all safety precautions, handrails and anti-slip surfaces, making use of cutting-edge materials in order to guarantee practicality and particular durability at the same time.
Our experts are able to design professional safety ladders, walkways and all sorts of tools to access elevated workstations, with particular attention to construction and maintenance costs.
Contact us for more details or send your requirements through the online module!